Life on "The Farm"

Here we are a month into life at Orientation and we are finding ourselves content in the Lord.  Most of our days are spent in sessions orienting us to our company and life overseas.  The relationships we are developing here are tremendous.  Samara and Naomi LOVE their school they go to during the day while Kindra and I are in sessions. 

Last night our Quad (everyone we live with) went out to a Vietnamese restaurant and had a great time.  It was my first time and I loved it!  Below you will see a pic of the guys that went. 

Every day the Father is drawing us closer and closer to him.  One thing we have been struggling with so far is sickness.  Every member of our family has gotten sick since being here.  I have had a chest cold / congestion for 2 weeks now.  Hudson has had a cold and pink eye.  Please be petitioning to the Father that we would remain fixed on Him in the middle of our sicknesses. 

Today is shot day #1 here at the Farm.  Each of our kids are scheduled for MULTIPLE (4-5) shots today and next friday.  Please pry for them.

Below are some pics of our quad and some sights from our campus here.  Enjoy.

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